Crimson Clover


Crimson Clover is one of the most common clovers used in mixes.  Its easy to grow and very tolerant to a range of soils and conditions.  It has light green leaves covered with soft hairs and crimson flowers. It has a taproot accompanied by numerous small fibrous roots. Is has been successfully used as a cover crop in rotations including corn, soybean, wheat, cotton, potatoes and grain sorghum. Crimson Clover is adapted to cool humid conditions. Some of the main cover crop objectives that crimson clover provides is nitrogen production, soil building, erosion prevention. In addition, it is a great forage and grazing crop.

Our Crimson Clover is available raw or coated.  The Color Up Coating has clover specific inoculant in the coating to ensure best germination and plant health.

Type: Legume
Season: Cool Season

Seeding & Growth

Drilled: 12 lb/A, 1/4" to 1/2" deep
Broadcast: 15 lb/A
In a Mix: 6-8 lb/A

Dates: Anytime after last threat if spring frost, Seed 6-10 weeks before avg first frost

Avg seeds/lb: 149,800
Emergence: 3-7 days
Height: 12"-20"
Drought and Heat: Fair heat and drought tolerance
Flooding: Does not tolerate flooding or ponding