Custom Mixes

Sometimes premixes aren't what you want.

Do you have a mix thats killer for your area?  Is there some other high priced brand that you want us to replicate?  We have over 90 varieties of seed (see below) that we can custom blend for you.  Just email us at with what seeds, how many acres you are covering and how you are applying it, we will get you a custom quote and seeding rate.  Make sure to include your zip code so we can get you a delivered rate.

Fall Barley Vernal Alfalfa
Robust Spring Barley Bell Bean (Fava Bean)
Cereal Rye Alsike
Egyptian Wheat Fixation Clover
Brown Top Millet Balansa Clover
German Millet Berseem Clover
Japanese Millet Frosty Berseem
Pearl Hybrid Millet Crimson Clover
Brown Top Millet Med Red Clover
Black Oats Subclover
Spring "Jerry" Oats Yellow Blossom Clover
Brooks Winter Oats Dutch White Clover
Annual Ryegrass Ladino White Clover
Perennial Ryegrass Cowpeas
Triticale Meadow Spring Pea
Potomac Orchardgrass Austrian Winter Pea
Forage Sorghum, Turbo Sesbania
Tall Fescue Soybean (Non-GMO)
Sorghum-Sudangrass Sunn Hemp
Teff Grass Vetch, Common
Buckwheat Hairy Vetch
Six Point Chicory Wooly Pod Vetch
Dwarf Siberian Kale Sugarbeet
Mustard Blend Peredovik Sunflower
Radish, DoubleMax T-Raptor Hybrid
Radish, Taproot Barkant Forgae Turnip
Barsica Rapeseed Purple Top Turnip
Trophy Rapeseed