King of Fall


The King of Fall mix is our long time favorite.  Our low cost mix will offer up a dense pack of grasses, legumes and late season broadleaf.  Starting with a double hit of grasses with a cool tolerant cereal rye and nurse crop of jerry oats.  Complemented with cold-loving Austrian Winter Peas and crimson clover, the mix finishes with a deep green pop of daikon radish and barkant forage turnip.  We have also added in the always requested Six Point Chicory.

  • Barsica Forage Rapeseed
  • Spring Oats
  • Taproot Daikon Radish
  • Cereal Rye
  • Barkant Forage Turnip
  • Austrian Winter Pea
  • Dixie Crimson Clover
  • Six Point Chicory

The clover and chicory is coated and inoculated (C/I) with Color Up Coating to ensure best germination and plant health.

The King of Fall broadcasts at 11 lbs per 1/4 acre.   When broadcasting, make sure to clean aside any debris and rake in seed for better seed to soil contact to ensure optimal germination.