Berseem Clover


Berseem Clover is a grazing must for any plot.  This clover has quicker germination than other clovers.  Berseem’s vigorous growth rate builds a 20-30% crude protein nutritious forage that early blooms and bolts as an superb early grazer but also a late season grower due to it much colder tolerance.   It can reach two to three feet tall but usually doesn’t due to heavy grazing pressure by deer.  It creates a lot of biomass (6,000-10,000 lbs/A of dry matter).

The Color Up Coating has clover specific inoculant in the coating to ensure best germination and plant health.

Seeding Rate & Growth

Drilled: 12lbs/A, 1/4" to 1/2" deep
Broadcast: 16 lbs/A
In a Mix: 2-5lbs/A

Dates: Frost-seed or 5-6 weeks before avg first frost

Avg seeds/lb: 206,900
Emergence: 7 days
Height: 16"-20"
Drought and Heat: Very good heat & drought tolerance
Flooding: Does not tolerate flooding or ponding